Village of Dupo Street Department



The main purpose of the Village of Dupo Street Department is to maintain the Village streets and roadways.


The streets get patched and repaired prior to oiling during the summer months. Signs will be posted with the oil dates to keep the streets clear for


maintenance and repair.



During street sweeping days you might be asked to move your vehicles off the street to insure curb and gutters are clean of debris.



Roadsides and right of ways will be mowed during summer months. Catch basins and ditches will be maintained periodically to make sure storm water


and melting snow can drain out of the street areas.



It is important that You do not rake leaves and yard waste into curbs and ditches. Special yard waste bags can be purchased so debris can be placed


inside and picked up by our trash company.



* The Village of Dupo allows leaves to be burned Thursday thru Sunday Dawn to Dusk.


During the winter months the Village streets must be salted and plowed during snow and ice storms. It will make it better for you if your vehicles are not


parked on the side of the street so the equipment is allowed to remove the snow adequately and salt the slick areas.



During storms, any limbs that are downed must be carried out to the front of your property and the Village street crew will come by and pick them up.